วันศุกร์ที่ 22 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555


Prasat Phum Pon

phumponmapPrasat Phum Pon is the oldest Khmer temple located in Sangkha  district Surin(Isaan), “present-day Thailand.”  This sanctuary was built around 5th-6th A.D. during the period of Khmer Chenla and Khmer Nokor Phnom, Funan. Prasat Phum Pom consists of 4 structures, three bricks and one laterite facing North and South direction. The northern complex is still in good condition. There are remaining complex base and one stands the 32 meters beyond in the west part. The laterite based with sandstone door frame, lintel and colonnettes. Gorgeous as it is, this 1,600 years old still erecting proudly stands for her Khmer ancestor’s pride until today.
phumponKhmerIsaan is highly  populated with Khmer residents who have been inhabiting  in Surin before Thai invasion. After Thai invaded and took full control over western part of Cambodia, the Thai authorities abandoned Khmer from practice basic right, the right to speak the native tongue.  Khmer language was forbidden by the Thai government from being taught or spoken within the Khmer community. ” It’s part of the Thai government’s “nation-building” project: they try to minimize their “ethnic minority” citizens which share a culture with border nations (Khmers, Laos) from establishing too strong of a solidarity with their sisters and brothers across the borders,” mainland Cambodia.(-quote by FS).
Most Khmer young generation do not speak Khmer neither have knowledge about Cambodian history nor culture. They have been spoken and taught from the glorification of Thai textbooks. It is a big issue for the Khmer community through out ‘present-day Thailand,” most of the children do not know their root. Now Mr.Chai Mongol has decided to open the first Khmer school at Phum Phon temple to preserve their identity. Khmer language school has recently been established on January 19, 2008 followed by an opening ceremony, villagers of Phum Pon and other Khmer joined to make the sacrifice and pay respect to Khmer ancestors.

Salarien Pheasa Khmer at Prasat Phum Pon, Surin province

The first salarien pheasa Khmer at the oldest Khmer Temple in Surin province

Many Khmer may now know the Phum Pon but for the Surin people, Phum Pon is the oldest Khmer temple in modern days Thailand. It stands for 1,600 years to tell how the first generation of the Khmer people achieved its civilization. Of course, this is not just an ordinary Khmer community. It has 3 barays (water reserviors) and a road link to other Khmer villages since the time memorial.

ILEP (Indigenous Language Education Project) is pleased to announce its milestone in setting the Khmer Language School at Phum Pon. It will be the symptom of the last long Khmer language in Surin province. ILEP welcome all the Khmer people to join the inauguaration of the school on the 19th of January 2008 at 9.00 a.m. to pay a homage to the Khmer ancestors. All are welcome. Coming to Surin from Bangkok can be made through the buses and trains. From Phnom Penh, please come to Poi Pet then takes the bus from the Rong Klua to Chong Tako and wait for a bus to Surin town. Cheap accommodation can be found in Surin city or ILEP can arrange for the pick up service if you come in group. Please come and witness the first Khmer Language School at Phum Pon village in Sangkha city, Surin.
Interested persons can phone to Chheymongkol at 66-87-5815514 or at khmersurin@gmail.com.

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